Agisoft Metashape Professional Free + Product Keys Full Download 2024
Summary Statement of Agisoft Metashape Professional Free
Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Free is the best software ever introduced by the company. It is very famous due to its user friendly interface and mostly computer literate people do not require the training for operating this latest version of the software. Moreover, the previous version of Agisoft Metashape Professional Key is somehow difficult but expert users prefer that version. It has some shortcut keys to operate. All the versions of Agisoft Metashape Professional are compatible with Windows all versions and smooth work on Mac as well.
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Agisoft Metashape Professional Free
Agisoft Metashape Professional Free Free Download is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data to be used in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, and visual effects production as well as for indirect measurements of objects of various scales.
Wisely implemented digital photogrammetry technique enforced with computer vision methods results in smart
Agisoft Metashape Professional Full version automated processing system that, on the one hand, can be managed by a new-comer in the field of photogrammetry, yet, on the other hand, has a lot to offer to a specialist who can adjust the workflow to numerous specific tasks and different types of data. Throughout various case studies, Metashape proves to produce quality and accurate results.
Agisoft Metashape Professional Full Version Features
- Processing of various types of imagery: aerial (nadir, oblique) & close-range.
- Auto calibration: frame (incl. fisheye), spherical & cylindrical cameras.
- Multi-camera projects support.
- Dense point cloud: editing and classification
- Elaborate model editing for accurate results.
- Points classification to customize geometry reconstruction.
- LAS export to benefit from classical point data processing workflow.
- Digital elevation model: DSM/DTM export
- Digital Surface and/or Digital Terrain Model — depending on the project.
- Georeferencing based on EXIF meta data/flight log: GPS/GCPs data.
- EPSG registry coordinate systems support WGS84, UTM, etc.
- Georeferenced orthomosaic: most-GIS-compatible GeoTIFF format; .KML file to be located on Google Earth.
- Export in blocks for huge projects.
- Color correction for homogeneous texture.
- Inbuilt tools to measure distances, areas, and volumes.
- To perform more sophisticated metric analysis Metashape products can be smoothly transferred to external tools thanks to a variety of export formats.
- GCPs import to control the accuracy of the results.
- Coded/non-coded targets auto detection for fast GCPs input.
- Scale bar tool to set reference distance without implementation of positioning equipment.
- In addition to Batch processing — a way to save on human intervention, Python scripting suggests customization options:
- a parameters template for several similar data sets; intermediate processing results inspection; etc.
- RGB/NIR/thermal/multispectral imagery processing.
- Fast reconstruction based on preferable channel.
- Multichannel orthomosaic generation for built-in vegetation indices (NDVI) calculation and export.
- Various scenes: archaeological sites, artifacts, buildings, interiors, people, etc.
- Direct upload Sketchfab resource and export to various popular formats.
- Photorealistic textures: HDR and multi-file support.
- Multi-camera station data processing for creative projects in cinematographic art, game industry, etc.
- The basis for numerous visual effects with 3D models reconstructed in time sequence.
- 3D reconstruction for data captured from the same camera position — camera station, provided that at least 2 camera stations are present.
- 360° panorama stitching for one camera station data.
- Distributed calculations over a computer network to use the combined power of multiple nodes for huge data sets processing in one project.
What is the purpose of Agisoft Metashape?
Agisoft Metashape is a stand-alone software package that processes digital photos photogrammetrically and provides 3D spatial data for usage in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, visual effects generation, and indirect measurements of objects of different dimensions.
Is Metashape free to use?
The upgrade from PhotoScan/Metashape 1.x to Metashape 2.x is absolutely free and requires no further fees from licensed customers. New users may test Agisoft Metashape software in demo mode (export and save capabilities are disabled) or in full function mode with a free 30-day trial license.
What exactly is the difference between Agisoft PhotoScan and Metashape?
What became to Agisoft PhotoScan? Metashape is merely a new name for Agisoft’s PhotoScan photogrammetry tool. The fundamental programme and functionality remain the same; it has just been renamed – and, of course, it is constantly updated and enhanced.
Does Agisoft make use of GPU?
Agisoft Metashape offers GPU acceleration for the majority of resource-intensive processing processes, allowing for faster processing when utilizing high-end OpenCL or CUDA-compliant graphics cards with a large number of unified shaders (CUDA cores or shader processor units).
In Metashape, how can I launch a Python script?
When ready to execute this script, click on “Tools” in the top Metashape menu bar then click on “Run Script”. Navigate to the script’s location and pick it.
How can I turn on GPU in Agisoft?
- In the Processing Options, you may activate or disable the usage of the GPU:
- Select Preferences from the Menu Bar.
- Choose GPU.
- Select or deselect the GPU device in the GPU section.
In Agisoft Metashape, how do you create a 3D model?
- Use the following options in the Build Mesh dialogue box:
- Data source: Choose Dense cloud.
- Choose Arbitrary as the surface type (3D).
- Medium is the recommended face count (89,796).
- Select Enabled for interpolation (default).
- Vertex colours should be calculated as follows: Mark the checkbox.
How To Free Agisoft Metashape Professional
- First Download Agisoft Metashape Professional Free from below Links.
- If You are using the Old version Please Uninstall it With IObit Uninstaller Pro
- After the Download Install the Program As Normal.
- After Install Run the Software Run.
- Software is Already Free Just Install & Use.
- You are Done it. Now Enjoy the Full version.
- Please share it. sharing is Always Caring
Concluding Remarks
Agisoft Metashape Professional Free has been tested before upload in our database. At the time of uploading, was satisfied but if you find any issue regarding the installation, you can put your issue in the comments section. The expert team will look into the matter and rectify the issue as soon as possible. However, we are not responsible for the crack version; this may cause the issue if you have not installed all the files in the bundle. Additionally, you must test all the links available on the site, maybe some links have the corrupt files but you will find the exact one that you are searching for.
Developer Credit: Agisoft Metashape Professional